Mykonos – Lets Party Hard!

Amongst the Prominent Jewels of Greece, Mykonos Island has always shined bright with a unique reputation of trapping Tourists with the picture perfect sceneries! Notoriously Famous for late night parties & Fast winds, Mykonos presents the perfect opportunity for you to loosen yourself to what life has to offer! Apply for a Greece Visa now to not feel left out of the vivacious ticket to this heartthrob island!

The name Mykonos is dedicated to the legend Mykonos who was the first kingof Greece! From ancient time, Mykonos island has made its mark as the strategic location from the point of safety and business transits! With its lively atmosphere and proud Mediterranean Sun glowing over it, it has become a new shrine for party animals looking for a good time!

Mykonos also offers great enthusiasm for travelers and tourists!  The economy of Mykonos is primary dependent on tourism and it should be as travel enthusiasts find the solace here that they have been looking for!


Here are the top 3 attractions that define Mykonos and are worth a visit:

Mykonos Windmills: Based on the main island of Mykonos Chora, The 16 windmills have been standing tall from 16thcentury facing north as a man made challenge for the strong northern winds to conquer! The Pride of Human intelligence to use natural energy resource to mill wheat, these windmills has become the iconic representation of Mykonos island! Strategically placed on the mountain terrain, these windmills present a view to tourist from every part of the island!

Mikri Venetia (Little Venice): From 18th century, the houses present in Little Venice have added multiple doubts to the minds of visitors! Imagine yourself sitting in a bar overlooking the closeness to the Sea from the balcony as if the next wave will fill the drink for one more round! Deemed as a Romantic paradise, Little Venice invite lovers of all the age group to admire the Mediterranean sunset holding hands!  The Locals have converted their houses in Shops, Bars and Café to present this ultimately satisfying sight to the tourists!

Archeological Museum: A gift to the general mass in the first decade of 1900s, the archeological museum honors the Putrefaction exhibits from 425 BC along with many historical artifacts! Those who have a taste for history could find this place a vital resource to satisfy their thirst for knowledge!

Mykonos Cuisine

The local delicacies are famous for the unique taste that goes well with the drinks and party environment. These delicacies are a must to taste when in Mykonos!

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