Indulge in the Upcoming Events of Greece this December

Greece, historically renowned as Hellas, is renowned for its pristine beaches, mesmerizing landmarks, tranquil monasteries and much more! In addition to that, Greece is known for hosting world-class exhibitions, theatre acts & musical events all around the year. Undoubtedly, Greece ranks among the most visited tourist destinations of the planet.

Apply for Greece Visa today and be a part of the enthralling upcoming events of Greece.

Here is a list of some upcoming events that you can relish on your visit to Greece:

  • JACKIE CHAN’S KUNG FU WARRIORS in Greek Capital: Jackie Chan’s Kung Fu Troupe of 11 warriors will make their stunning appearance at the Galatsi Olympic Hall from 30 November to 2 December 2018. Handpicked by the globally renowned martial artist, Jackie Chan & rooted in ancient philosophies, the warriors will take you on a fascinating journey. You can escapade the insight to the kung fu’s relation with concealed principles of Chinese culture & physical and spiritual transformation of a kung fu master. Apply for Greece Visa Online today and witness the upcoming events of Greece associated with this great Kung Fu display.

 upcoming events of Greece

  • “LEONARDO DA VINCI – 500 years of Genius” Exhibition: For the first time Athens is organizing three distinct major exhibitions dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci’s life and work. The new & magnificent exhibition is themed Leonardo da Vinci- 500 Years of Genius. It offers the visitors an amazing opportunity to explore the life & work of this art legend and inventor, after 500 years of his death.

The enchanting, entertaining & educational masterpieces, drawings, inventions from this Resurgence Master will be brought back to life through this Grande Exhibition. The exhibition commences from 30th November 2018 at the Old ‘OSY’ depot, Gazi and will continue till 30th March 2019.

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Paxos – The Treasure Island of Greece

Greek Islands lure droves of tourists every year from around the world for its serene atmosphere. Every island of Greece has its own distinctive characteristics that ignite the imagination and satisfy the soul of every visitor. Greek Islands are a perfect destination for all those who seek solace.

Most visitors to Greece often wish to include Islands in their trip, but are often bewildered by the number and variety. With around 6000 islets surrounding Greece, each Island is unique in its own way, boasting irresistible waters, myriad landscapes & varying degrees of development. To discover the magical attractions, entertainment and much more of Greek islands apply for Greece Visa now.  

Paxos is one such heaven that tourists eye to get away from the mundane routine & celebrate life. It is a largest Island of Paxoi, the smallest Island group spread over an area of 76 square kilometers. The name of this Island is derived from Pax, which means trapezoidal in Phoenicians’ language, the first settlers on =Paxos Island. The island sits in Ionian Sea, the western coast of mainland Greece.

Paxos is a great island for anyone who loves a bit of beach life & translucent turquoise waters. The area of this island is 7 miles by 3 and can be easily explored by foot, bike, car or boat. This small Island is one of the most enchanting hideaways you could hope to find.

Over the years Paxos has improved its transport infrastructure and now has a population of around 2500. The island is a home to numerous family friendly- beaches. The best beaches surrounding this small island of Paxos include:

  • Harami & Kanoni
  • Orkos
  • Lakkos
  • Marmari & Kipos
  • Plakes
  • Monodendri
  • Galazio

The list of these crystal beaches with blue green waters is non-exhaustive. Majority of these beaches are secluded places to enjoy privacy while some beaches are organized with few umbrellas and sun-beds offering a perfect place to relish sunbath. Moreover, the hospitality offered by the locals of Paxos Island makes you feel at home.

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Rhodes- The Island of the Knights

Greece, the birthplace of ancient Olympic Games & democracy, is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia & Africa. Western philosophy, literature, political science & major scientific & mathematical principles are known to have emerged from this ancient city.

Greece holds 11th rank among the longest coastlines in the world, featuring a large number of islands scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. The giant Greek Archipelago consists of 6000 islands out of which 227 are inhabited. Greek islands trait sandy beaches, unspoiled island life, bygone times & culture.

Beautiful Crete is the largest & the most populous island with an area of around 8336 sq. kms while alluring Rhodes ranks 4 in the list with 1401 sq kms area.

Welcome To Rhodes Islands – The Island of the Knights

Rhodes is the largest among the Dodecanese islands of Greece dispersed in the south-eastern Aegean Sea. The sobriquet for Rhodes is “the Island of the Knights”, titled after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who once conquered the province.

This archaic island was once famed globally for Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of Greek sun-god Helios, which was constructed in 280 B.C. to celebrate Rhodes victory over Cyprus.

The Medieval Town of Rhodes ranks among the World Heritage Sites of UNESCO. Now-a-days, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations of Europe. And to our surprise, a state in United States has been named after the Rhodes Island of Greece.

Rhodes Islands- Action-Packed Tourist Spot

The island of Rhodes is blessed with an uninterrupted line of golden beaches, generous natural beauty bright green hills & valleys, mesmerizing landscapes and rich history. It is the perfect blend of cosmopolitan, traditional, numerous cultural & archaeological sites. Some of the primitive sites include the post of Mandraki, Acropolis of Lindos, the ancient cities of Kamiros & Lalysos and the Valley of the Butterflies.

Rhodes is an ideal spot for beach holidays & so much more. Tour to this fascinating place is possible with Greece Schengen Visa. Apply now!

On your visit to Greece you can relish vast sandy beaches, verdant waters, Medieval Castles, traditional gourmet restaurants & tavernas presenting local cuisines & delicacies. Luxury resorts & villages still incorporate traditional ways of brewing & cooking. You can find women baking bread in an outdoor oven in which wood is used as fuel.

 Things to do on Rhodes Island

  1. The Old Town of Rhodes: As soon as you catch your first glimpse of this medieval town of Europe you will realize that the Old Town of Rhodes is beautiful mosaic of distinct cultures & civilizations. Rhodes Town serves as a gateway to the island & forms impeccable foundation of the island’s culture & tourism industry. The impressive stoned-walls, medieval fortress-like buildings, narrow alley-ways, minarets, and fountains, tranquil & busy square-markets will allow you explore twenty-four centuries of history. You can stroll down the cobblestoned streets of Rhodes town & cherish delicacies from plenty of restaurants & cafes, which are always buzzing with life.

The central highlight of the Old Town is The Palace of Grand Master. The Palace was originally a Byzantine fortress built at the end of 7th Century A.D. Later it served as a magnificent headquarters for the Order of the Knights of St.John. The spacious halls of the palace are adorned with medieval decoration restored by the Italian architects.

Rhodes Island

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Greece: A hub of Cultural events and Music Festivals

Festivals are important part of ancient Greek culture. The Greek calendar is chock-full of festivals and celebrations all round the year. The plethora of small and large festivals and events is a driving force for millions of visitors to travel to this small corner of Europe. To relish the celebrations and festivity treasures of this amazing city apply Greece visa now.

The rich history and varied landscape of Greece renders it a breath taking tourist attraction around the globe. The city has gained immense popularity for its appealing and out of the ordinary fiestas. Here we have compiled a series of mesmerizing upcoming events and festivals in this dream destination.

  1. Greek Jewelry Show (GJS): Women’s penchant for jewelry is known from ages. Men no longer lag in the race and are equally fascinated by fancy and classical ornaments. To cherish the astounding collection of fashion accessories, lapidary, gift merchandise, beads, antique & estate beads, glass, gemstone, crystal, jewellery, lampwork, seed beads, buttons, pearls, and more apply Greece visa and grace the occasion of Greek Jewelry Show (GJS) with your presence. This jewelry show is scheduled from 28th-30th September 2018 and brings to you the exhilarating opportunity to find wholesale and retail jewelry with intricate designs that will hold its viewers in a trance.
  2. Corfu Beer Festival: Corfu Beer Festival is a 5 day event scheduled from 26th-30th September 2018 in Arillas, Greece. Unlike other beer festivals around the world, Corfu Beer festival is a blend of different cultural events and celebrations that aims to encourage local businesses and products. This annual celebration is a new move that attempts to connect original products and services of the island with tourism. It is a social event that brings in the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience among producers and entrepreneurs with neighboring countries.This food, culture, and know-how celebration is all about Tasting flavors, singing and having fun.
  3. Athens Coffee Festival: It is a three day event being held from 29th September to 1st October 2018 at the Technopolis in Athens, Greece. This event showcases Green coffee varieties, Tea & beverages, Espresso machines & coffee grinders, Equipment for home baristas, Automatic coffee machines etc. On this festive occasion, the region is flooded with tantalizing coffee aromas, cafeterias and coffee lovers. The celebration also hosts rich events that go in parallel with the gala. This includes concerts of well-known artists, DJ sets, competitions and much more.

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Athens – A Heady Mix of Grace and Melody

Athens is Greece’s largest city and renowned for Acropolis (ancient citadel) and Parthenon (former temple). It is blessed with rich cultural and historic heritage. In addition to that, Athens is a home to first known democracy.

Athens has an exuberant and coruscating cultural scene throughout the year! Events at Athens offer you magical & ethereal nights, full of music, theatre and dance. The Greek calendar for September is full of cultural festivals.

Greek Capital, Athens is the absolute destination for you if you are planning for an idyllic expedition! Apply for Greece Visa Online now to make this trip happening!

Here are some of the ethnic carnivals that are about to take place at this ancient city:

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  1. Events occurring at Acropolis Museum: The splendid archaeological museum is located on the slope of Acropolis hill. The museum is renowned to hold special events throughout the summer to enrich the experience of visitors. It incorporates guided tours, musical interludes and archaeological artefact on exhibit on a temporary basis. Mentioned below are some of the honorary events.

          a. Harp melodies: The restaurant offers live harp music to the visitors every Monday to Thursday, from 1 pm to 4 pm. You can invigorate your coffee or lunch while listening to the mesmerizing harp being played by Thodoris Matoulas. Apply for Greece Visa Online now to experience the glittering magic of harp. 

            b. Jazz Friday nights: On Fridays, the museum is open until midnight & offers special epicure choices & mesmerizing views of Acropolis. One can have the magical experience of taking dinner while some of the best Jazz musicians perform at the Acropolis restaurant. You can contact the restaurant reception beforehand to get the Friday night reservations done. However, if you do not wish to dine, restaurant welcomes you for a dessert without reservation.

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2. Traditional Greek Dancing at the Dora Stratou Theatre: The Theatre has been named after famous Greek Folklorist, Dora Stratou who made a notable contribution to Greek Folk dancing and music. This open-air 800-seat theatre is situated on Philopappou hill, opposite to Acropolis. The daily performances include a company of 75 dancers, musicians and folk singers. Each performance lasts for 90 minutes without intermission. You can discover fascinating and intriguing side of Greek heritage as you watch the stunning performance showcasing country’s rich culture.

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Mykonos – Lets Party Hard!

Amongst the Prominent Jewels of Greece, Mykonos Island has always shined bright with a unique reputation of trapping Tourists with the picture perfect sceneries! Notoriously Famous for late night parties & Fast winds, Mykonos presents the perfect opportunity for you to loosen yourself to what life has to offer! Apply for a Greece Visa now to not feel left out of the vivacious ticket to this heartthrob island!

The name Mykonos is dedicated to the legend Mykonos who was the first kingof Greece! From ancient time, Mykonos island has made its mark as the strategic location from the point of safety and business transits! With its lively atmosphere and proud Mediterranean Sun glowing over it, it has become a new shrine for party animals looking for a good time!

Mykonos also offers great enthusiasm for travelers and tourists!  The economy of Mykonos is primary dependent on tourism and it should be as travel enthusiasts find the solace here that they have been looking for!


Here are the top 3 attractions that define Mykonos and are worth a visit:

Mykonos Windmills: Based on the main island of Mykonos Chora, The 16 windmills have been standing tall from 16thcentury facing north as a man made challenge for the strong northern winds to conquer! The Pride of Human intelligence to use natural energy resource to mill wheat, these windmills has become the iconic representation of Mykonos island! Strategically placed on the mountain terrain, these windmills present a view to tourist from every part of the island!

Mikri Venetia (Little Venice): From 18th century, the houses present in Little Venice have added multiple doubts to the minds of visitors! Imagine yourself sitting in a bar overlooking the closeness to the Sea from the balcony as if the next wave will fill the drink for one more round! Deemed as a Romantic paradise, Little Venice invite lovers of all the age group to admire the Mediterranean sunset holding hands!  The Locals have converted their houses in Shops, Bars and Café to present this ultimately satisfying sight to the tourists!

Archeological Museum: A gift to the general mass in the first decade of 1900s, the archeological museum honors the Putrefaction exhibits from 425 BC along with many historical artifacts! Those who have a taste for history could find this place a vital resource to satisfy their thirst for knowledge!

Mykonos Cuisine

The local delicacies are famous for the unique taste that goes well with the drinks and party environment. These delicacies are a must to taste when in Mykonos!

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Greece- Cradle of Western Civilization

Inhabitant of over sixty islands and birthplace of democracy, as well as of Olympic Games, Athens, the Greek capital is an enchanting place to visit. People are looking ways to get Greece Schengen Visa materialized. Explore the colors of Greece by getting Greece tourist visa. Fill Greece Visa Application Form and pay nominal Greece tourist Visa Fees. You can even apply for Greece Visa online.

Located to the southern part of European continent, Greece counts among the most visited tourist destinations in the world.

Venture into the spellbinding sites of this historic country. Let us look at some of the enticing locations that are worth visiting:

Athens greece

  1. ATHENS: Athens- the cultural, administrative and economic centre of Greece and one of the oldest cities of the world has a long and fascinating history. As you walk by the major archaeological sites and streets lined up with houses and mansions, you will have an impression of walking with the time machine.

Ancient monuments, big and small churches, remnants of Ottoman period, museums, cafes, bars and shops selling traditional Greek products will pave your way as you walk down narrow cobbled streets.

  1. DELPHI THEATRE: Built along the slope of Mount Parnassus, this ancient theatre is another alluring archaeological site of Greece. This theatre includes the Sanctuary of Apollo and gives audience a spectacular view of the entire sanctuary and the olive valley below. Its basic structure includes, stone seats, horseshoe shaped orchestra and a round stage.                                                                   

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